Thanks are due to the National Agency For Cultural Heritage Preservation of Georgia for granting us the permission to undertake archaeological investigations at Tsiteli Gorebi 5; to the Lagodekhi Regional Department of the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth for inviting us to work in the region; to the Lagodekhi Municipality for facilitating our work in many ways; and to the Italian Embassy in Tbilisi for supporting us in preparing the didactical activities for local students. We are grateful to Mr. Beka Peradze (Lagodekhi Municipality, Regional Department of the Ministry of Culture, Sport and Youth) for taking drone photos of the site. The 2019 field season of the Georgian-Italian Lagodekhi Archaeological expedition was funded by Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Fondo Ateneo Scavi Archeologici 2019), Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale (Contributi missioni archeologiche, antropologiche e etnologiche italiane all’estero 2019) and a private sponsor (Metamondo Tour Operator).